It only makes sense to create one simple plan (with one enrollment fee) that can successfully be applied to all patients in your practice. It’s easiest for your team to present and manage, and it’s easiest for your patients to understand.
Offices sometimes develop three different plans and enrollment fees to make something specific for every type of patient.
They have one for a “healthy” mouth that includes prophies, one for “perio” patients that discounts perio-maintenance, and yet another plan for children.
This can create a world of confusion for all involved.
It’s confusing because your “healthy” mouth patient could suddenly be diagnosed mid-plan year with periodontal disease and needs a scaling and root planing followed by perio-maintenance three or four times per year. If prophies are included in the healthy mouth enrollment fee and the patient no longer needs prophies, you’ve potentially created a scenario where patients feel like they’ve fallen victim to a bait-and-switch.
Something else to consider…
How do you handle it when a child turns “adult” at some point during a plan year and switches from child prophies to adult prophies? The amount paid for the child plan that year can negatively impact your bottom line when you are providing an adult service. What if your adult plan doesn’t include discounted fluoride treatments but the child’s plan did? Having more than one plan could lead to uncomfortable conversations and potential patient upset.
When you try to make separate plans to cover every patient scenario you only make it harder for your team to manage and can cause confusion with your patients as their age or health changes. You only need one well-constructed plan that covers every member of the family.
Need help?
Don’t hesitate to send Christine a message through LinkedIn or request to join the Recurring Revenue Revolution for Dentists Facebook group!